The Side Walk Slam: 4 sides VS 6 sides, you decide

Thursday, February 4, 2010

4 sides VS 6 sides, you decide

Well in one of the bold moves Hogan has made since taking TNA over is the replacement of the 6 sided ring with a more traditional 4 sided ring. This move has generated alot heat amongst the diehard loyal TNA fans. The 6 sided ring being the most visible symbol that made TNA different. ANd now to many TNA looks and feels like the other guy. The other guy being the monster know as the WWE. Now honestly I prefer the 4 sided ring, to me TNA now feels less like the UFC and more like Pro wrestling. The one thing I guess I don't like is the ramp and it being equal to the ring. But these are the little things, in the end its the wrestling inside the ring which will count in the end. And from what I hear the wrestlers of TNA say there really is no real difference. one can do all the same things ina 6 sided ring as they can in a 4 sided ring, so in the end all that's really different is the look and to me it looks like Pro Wrestling !!!!! Now if they can stop it from feeling like WCW we all do better , but that's a topic for another post.

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