The Side Walk Slam: E:60 Scott Hall Review... theanswerchaos

Saturday, October 22, 2011

E:60 Scott Hall Review... theanswerchaos

Source : Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011


  1. Chaos once again brings us the goods, glad he is part of the SLAM !!!!!

  2. i actually saw the segment from e:60 and the simularities between scott hall and mickey rouke's role in the wrestler is very eerie and almost alike. in the case of rouke's role: he was a main event star in the 80s but went south once he entered the 90s, working odd jobs and indie shows but still in good health untill the heart attack cause by abusing steriods and cocaine whereas in scott hall's case, after beating murder charges for self defense, got signed by awa and building up his career but started taking steroids before it became widespread later in the decade but he did got better and became a top draw in wwf and wcw in the 90s he was in peak performace and he luck ran out when the new millenium through years of aclohol, steroid and cocaine abuse quickly caught up to hall. how you go from a a key player for the monday night wars and nwo to doing indie show wheres theres only 500 in the crowd? i might be shocked with that fact.
