Divas Championship Match Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Brie Bella : I think this is an easy pick over all, Kelly Kelly hasn't even been Champion for 5 minutes yet. I can't see her dropping the belt this soon, She is the female face of the WWE. I say this will be a quick match with Kelly Kelly going over.
Big Show vs. Mark Henry : So they been building and building Mark Henry as this bad-ass, as this monster heel. His first real run is with the Big_show, who in my opinion has all-ready has his nice long run as the giant of the WWE. I think the Big show has a role now of putting guys over but maintaining that giant persona. I think we will get 10 to 15 mins here of them slugging it out, I expect it to be fairly brutal after all that has happened. With this if they do want to maintain Big Show as a legit threat and Keep Mark Henry rolling, they need to do a DQ / Count out type thing here. No one here gets a clean victory.
SmackDown Money in the Bank Ladder Match : with Kane vs. Sheamus vs. Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater .
OK MITB matches can go any which way. I think the Smack-down match will have more high-spots then RAW. It may be what opens the show. Considering the winner gets a shot at the Champ its safe to assume certain people will not win. In fact only 2 here really stand a chance, that being Sheamus and Barrett. To me though I am kinda tired of Sheamus and I thought Barrett never had the run he should have. As a big man I see Barrett really throwing around the light weights , slugging it out with Kane and Sheamus. And setting up a feud with the Champ.
World Heavyweight Championship Match : Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian, OK this match is about 3 months old now. And they had the wrong pick from the very start. Too bad we can't go back in time. Plain and simple if a heel wind the Smack-Down MITB match a heel is not winning the Championship belt. Christian seems to be stuck in the mid card hell which is too bad , but really if he won where would they go with it and would anyone care now. Christian is a FACE and until he is a face again he is not winning the belt. Orton goes over
OK here is another up in the air MITB match , this won't be as polished as the SD match will be. Now this match also depends on which way they plan to go with the Cena / Punk angle. Now usually heels win this match. But I am going to say this time a face wins the match based on what I think happens in the WWE championship match. Looking at who the faces are in the match doesn't scream to me though. I don't see Rey, or Kofi winning, leaving Bourne and Alex Riley. Everyone loves Bourne that's causes he gets his ass kicked over and over, so he is not winning. But Alex Riley is clearly on the rise, and I know there won't be one person who agrees and I know its a dark horse pick but my pick is Riley.
WWE Championship Match John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk OK so this is for all the marbles. Whats going to happen ? Punk leave with the belt, Cena goes heel? or is it the same old same old and super Cena win. Well after speaking with Smith Hart and he told me he all-ready knew the outcome and didn't want to spoil it, by saying that he kinda all ready did. See WWE is coming out with a new DVD Bret Hart VS Shawn Micheals , which of course goes over the whole screw job in 97. Now to keep that fresh an new screw job needs to happen, and it will to Punk and Cena goes heel. Now at which point I think we will see Bret Hart come out as the Raw GM. I know its along stretch but hey its all for fun. Either way I think it will be a great PPV and can't wait to see. Let me know what you think here or on twitter @thesidewalkslam.
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