The Side Walk Slam: Waiting for WWE RAW and Tough Enough

Monday, June 6, 2011

Waiting for WWE RAW and Tough Enough

Monday night, wrestling night, not Thursday not Friday, Monday. The only night that counts for Pro Wrestling. Tonight we get the final of Tough Enough, now I heard others say they are not into it and so on. Well different strokes for different folks but I have been really digging it. I think it blows NXT out of the water, but my last shit blows NXT out of the water. Now I know everyone thinks Luke is going to win, but I am going for the dark Horse in Andy. Looking forward to seening this FCW match to really see how they look in the ring.

Which takes us to RAW , where live we will find out the winner, and I hope who ever does win, they actually get some real TV time and not used once or twice and never heard of again, make Tough Enough mean something , as far as RAW itself I am sure we got alot of R-Truth to look forward too as well more lead up to Capital Punishment . Which I am sure we will see the Miz / Reily match made, along with Kane and Del-Rio , but you already know that. I am not expecting big things for tonight's RAW. R-Truth just doesn't do it for me, I didn't like him before and I don't like him now. But as always I am hoping for that surprise that makes me go fuck ya this is why I watch. Lets see if it happens.


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