The Side Walk Slam: August 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back In Black

So I got this blog and I want to try to do something with it, but what? Its no good to have a blog if I am the only one who looks at it. But never the less I am going to give it another go and try to get it some exposure. Some of what you will see here will be repost of news from other sites. Why? Because I think its convient to have all the news for you all in one place , cause i do read alot of sites and I do watch alot of interviews and listen to at least 4 wrestling radio broadcasts. Now its not to say everything here isn't mine, some of it will be, my thoughts , opinions and such. I plan to bring you the best thats out there for now here is Paul Heymen and his thoughts on TNA, its about time he has spoken up.